However on examination of the file written, I see 0d0a so that an extra is written to the file, which means the line is read incorrectly into Excel. I have the following code which is supposed to write a between two text strings in the output file (which is a CSV file for reading into Excel): n1 = ''//trim(ndprops(1))//char(10)//trim(ndprops(2))//',' write(csvu,'(a)') trim(n1) This is so that text too long for a cell is written on two lines into that cell. I tried taking the array QU out of the calling sequence, but that had NO effect. So I am wondering - what is special about that array that would trigger this problem? BTW, I have a special reason for dimensioning the arrays the way I do, starting with 0 as the first element, but I am wondering if that 'fools' the compiler. Furthermore the other arrays DO print out as desired - using the same Format statement. I checked with the debugger, and the value NQU is just as it should be, a positive number. Around line 61 there is a PRINT statement for the array QU(0:NQU) It does not print the array, just the opening character string. The subroutine I am uploading has an anomaly I can't explain.